Pretty Blue Pill

The Ugly Truth

Ugly Truth

Ugly Truth

Where’s the anger?

Where’s the venom?

Where’s the coverage?

When a right-wing extremist murdered abortion doctor, George Tiller, the establishment media (and much of the rest of the left) had a all-out ball reporting, laying blame, generalizing, and smearing the right.

Their logic went something like this:

Hey you know, one guy on your side committed murder. Therefore all you guys are murderers and extremists and need to be controlled.

Doesn’t the Ku Klux Klan employ similar reasoning?

Hey, one of you niggers raped a white woman, therefore you’re all rapists.

Never mind the fact that only about 14% of white women raped are raped by black men. Facts are such an inconvenience to those intent on hating an entire demographic.

But the difference is this; the Klan doesn’t run the national media.

Yesterday, an anti-abortion activist was targeted and killed by an abortion advocate. Not surprisingly, the press didn’t cover the story with nearly as much enthusiasm as the Tiller killing. Both murders were wrong, according to my beliefs. But for the media it seems that one was more newsworthy than the other.

Interesting. And telling for obvious reasons.

But the truly interesting thing here is the reason why the killing took place.

Evidently the alleged gunman didn’t like the fact that his victim, James Pouillon, held a sign that showed a healthy baby on one side with the caption LIFE, and an aborted (murdered) baby on the other side with the caption ABORTION.

What’s the big deal?

Well in case you’ve haven’t noticed, for many liberals (I won’t say all, for fear of committing the sin of generalizing myself) nothing gets their goat like the uncompromised truth. The last thing they want anyone to see is a real-life image of their version of “rights,” “freedom,” and “choice.”

It is a sad fact of life, manifested in that great time-honored tradition of killing the messenger. Many folks don’t want the truth, and will even kill you to avoid it.

September 12, 2009 Posted by | abortion, bias, conservative, liberal, media, murder, Obama, politics, pro-life | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment