Pretty Blue Pill


Liberals are so delusional. I don’t say that to be mean, but because I honestly believe that a propensity toward delusion is a key requisite to being liberal. And of course the liberal media is there to assist you when reality starts to crowd in on you.

With regard to the massive health bill that Obama is set to sign into law today, Liberals have forgotten that the vast majority of Americans are against it. And that the main reason America elected Obama in the first place is because he posed as a moderate during the 2008 campaign.

But liberals have had a hard time in just about every election since the 2008 election. Why? Because the cat has now vacated the proverbial bag. Obama’s not just liberal, he’s an extremist—possibly socialist, depending on your definition. But one thing’s for sure—he’s not the moderate he played during the campaign.

Yet liberals have convinced themselves that this “victory” is something the American people wanted, even though polls show the opposite. But answer me this, if the American people wanted this, then why does Obama feel the need to “sell” this soon-to-be law to the public?

And with huge majorities in both the chambers of Congress, why did it take so long (and so many back room deals) to pass this legislation?

The fun part of all this will be hearing how liberals manage to keep the delusion going after November.

March 23, 2010 Posted by | abortion, conservative, Healthcare, liberal, media, Obama, obamacare, politics, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment